Wednesday 4 April 2018


This past month has been a great one with celebrating Easter with the church here in Ranchi. God continues to be so faithful in my life. He has been teaching me to hear His voice above all and even when there is so much pressure or stress sometimes to know that He is right there to guide me. This past month I have felt lonely quite often but even during those times Gods strength has been the only thing that has been holding me together. His presence is what I rest in when I feel low. God is the only one who is there from the beginning and till the end He alone will stand by me and in that I have no doubt, so this season God has been teaching me to depend on Him totally and expect greater things from Him alone. I enjoy ministering to the people here in Ranchi and they are such amazing people. They are very teachable and humble.

Leading worship at women's meeting.

preaching the word- women's meeting

We had our monthly women’s meeting and it was really a blessed time. We had a speaker from the states that came to encourage the women here to be strong and courageous in all situations and the women were encouraged. This coming month we will be beginning our literacy program for the women and the prayer cell groups in each area for the women alone and we are excited for these to happen. The house visiting has been going on well too. We continue to visit the women’s houses and encourage them with the word of God and pray for their family and also get a chance to hear their testimonies.

Teaching kids hygiene and good habits at slum.

The slum ministry has been going on well and the kids are able to learn so much from us. We have been focusing on teaching them to follow good habits and not follow bad ones they see their parents do. The children are used to seeing their parents get drunk each day and also taking other unhealthy things. So we have been encouraging them to do the right thing and what God teaches us in the Bible to do. They have been learning about hygiene too which is much needed for them. The greatest thing is their parents are coming to us and telling that even when they tell them to be clean they would not listen but they listen to what we tell them and teach them to do. So what we teach is important. These kids are so special to my friend and me. We enjoy ministering to them.

Action songs with kids.

Altogether it has been an amazing month of trusting the Lord to guide me as I minister to the women, children and youths. The bible study that I started has been going on well by God’s grace and I am encouraged to see the youth girls respond well and enjoy the fellowship. We have been growing closer in fellowship and deeper in the word of God. We completed the book of James and we are planning to start the book of Ruth and we are excited. It has been a great joy teaching them from the word of God and I learn more as I teach. God is faithful in continuing to guide me in every way. I am grateful to God for his unconditional grace and love over my life.

Bible study group- worship time

Some of my prayer points are:
Women's house fellowship.

·        For God to give me more wisdom as I teach others scriptures and to handle his word correctly.

·        For the kids at the slum that God would help them make the right choices even when they don’t have great examples before them as it is harder where they live that they would still choose right.

·        For God to help me continue to serve Him faithfully though it gets hard sometimes with less help that I will depend on him always.