Sunday 7 February 2016

January- shaken and put right

Its been a crazy month of new revelations of Gods heart for me . I am almost done with my classes and so far  I have only one more week of class and then we go for a two month outreach. My two favorite weeks were hearing God's voice and Father's grace topics. I know that God speaks when I listen to him and have a receptive heart.  These weeks were the times when the Lord showed me the things that I was struggling with in my heart.
I was carrying it too long and the Lord wanted me to give it up completely to him. So I got free from it and I am so happy. One of the profound things he spoke to me was that I was his daughter and I did not have to be so hard on myself and He wanted me to move from the foundation of works to the foundation of grace which I had to finally learn in all my years of following Jesus. Did not have to try to please him but Just relax and its about him and his work in me.
          This is a great truth that i learned and I am done living like before . I feel light at heart and my prayer is that if I do end up there again ,I can run to the father again. His goodness over me in spite of my failures amazes me. I know the Lord brought me to the right place for sure. One of the things our team did on Sundays was go to a school where the kids study and stay there also and minister to them. That was something I enjoyed doing . I could picture God smiling at them. They were so precious and they felt happy and loved.
          Every Wednesday we usually go to house to house prayer we did an open air ministry with the kids in the village and that was so fun . They are so eager and happy to listen. Another thing we did was attend a big25 years celebration of the Revival church  to go around and pray for them and ask God to reign over traditions and practices that are not right. It was a big crowd and many had come from really far places. What was really shocking was how the speaker taught false things contradictory to the bible and many believe it cause they don't have the discernment to know the truth and they are discipled this way. It broke my heart to know how Jesus was being portrayed to nonbelievers also who were present there.
     I can see that God works in his own way at the right time and when we pray He does listen . Its been a great month and greater things are in store I believe as we are preparing to head out for altogether a fresh experience and a different level of His leading and guidance in the outreach . One character of God that touches me always is His faithfulness to lead us step by step.

A few prayer points for me would be:

*  Please pray for the preparation of my heart as I am asking God for greater revelations  of himself as I  reach out to the people .

*For strength for each one of our team members to persevere through the hard times.

* Finally the place we are going to is called Vijaynagar in the Changlang district, for the softening of the peoples hearts to receive the gospel well.




  1. Praying for you!! This month is going to be great!!!

  2. Praying for you!! This month is going to be great!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing how God is moving in and through your life! I love how God is revealing things to you and showing you His heart. You are a woman after his own heart. Be blessed!!
